We offer the following fabrication services:
- Mobile/ On-Site Mechanical fitting services:
- Assembly and alignment of pumps, motors, gearboxes
and couplings - Repairs and refurbishments of mechanical components
as well as conveyors - Overhauling of Pumps
- Removal and replacement of bearings
- General mechanical fitting
- Mobile / On-Site Maintenance Boilermaking & Welding services:
- Repairs and Modifications to existing equipment – plate work and structural steel
- Mechanical Seals
Ontrack Welding & NOE Solutions is involved in a wide variety of technical industrial fields, including hydraulics, thermal process and steel products.
We have a repair workshop enabling us to refurbish all makes of mechanical seals and a sales team to provide technical advice and expertise.
- Dynamic Balancing
Our practical experience in dynamic balancing and trouble-shooting of vibration problems in rotating machinery has been gained over many years with all types of industrial machines. We are committed to providing the most appropriate standard from ISO 1940/1 of balancing quality for your rotors and, in most cases, can carry out dynamic balancing of single rotors or small batches within 24 hours of your order.
The performance and integrity of our precision Schenck dynamic balancing machines are stringently maintained at the highest level by regular calibration using ISO test rotors and ISO test weights. Using ISO test rotors we are able to conduct MARU (minimum achievable residual unbalance) and URR (unbalance reduction ratio) tests on our balancing machines to guarantee the machines’ sensitivity and accuracy.
Balancing certificates are issued on request for all completed balancing tasks.